Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Happy Hour

Ohh mental_floss, I love you and your randomness on Friday Happy Hour!

Soo here are my answers:

1.  In an effort to churn out better-prepared graduates, you’ve been hired to develop one course that all high school seniors must take. The topic is up to you: personal finance, the U.S. Constitution, health and wellness, changing flat tires. What would your class be?  Time management.  Such an important skill for anything you do in life.
2.  When did you first go online? I don't really remember...  Probably around 2000 maybe?
3.  What’s the strangest compliment you’ve received?  Hmmmm....  My grandma told me once that I had pretty nails and they weren't even painted or anything so it was a little weird lol
4.  If you were putting on a conference for people in your profession,who would be your first choice for keynote speaker? And a follow-up: who’s the best speaker you’ve seen at a conference?  My choice would be Tom Mock.  I know he's not well-known, but to me he's one of the best radio guys ever.  The best speaker I've seen at a conference was Joe Theissman.  He spoke at National FFA Convention (I don't remember which year) and I thought he was really great :)

Off to St. Joe to cheer for the Dawgs tonight!  Babysitting all day tomorrow and then lazy day Sunday maybe :)


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